School, higher education and teaching

Anti-Semitic comments made by a school pupil in a WhatsApp class chat, the anti-minority behaviour of a university professor, insecurities among teachers regarding how to deal with parents who express conspiracy-ideological opinions at a parent-teacher-meeting:

extreme right-wing, right-wing populist and anti-Semitic attitudes can also be found in schools, universities and other educational institutions. Conflicts are no longer confined to just regular school or university sessions

Conflicts are on the increase in social networks and chat groups where pupils, students, teachers and pedagogical staff participate and express opinions. The questions of political “neutrality” in education has frequently been discussed over the last years and has led to insecurities in educational institutions regarding whether, e.g., it is admissible to position yourself or show commitment against racism; and if so, how to do so appropriately.

The MBR has been providing advice in these areas to educational institutions, faculties as well as to individual professors, teachers, educators, students and pupils for many years.

MBR consultations in these fields may focus on:

  • Continuously updated further education modules on right-wing extremism, racism, anti-Semitism and right-wing populism for multipliers at universities, schools and other educational institutions.
  • Training for teachers and prospective teachers on how to deal with racist, anti-Semitic, conspiratorial-ideological and extreme right-wing remarks in their daily work.
  • Support in the development of democratic guiding principles and the resulting rules.

Relevant MBR

Kein Platz für braune Hetze an unserer Schule (2016)

Jugendarbeit gegen Rechtsextremismus (2016)

Flyer Vielfalt statt Einfalt (2006)

Publikationen des BMB und anderer MBTs

Auf zu neuen Ufern. Warum Mobile Beratung und Politische Bildung mehr sein müssen als Extremismusprävention (2019)

“Wo, wenn nicht hier?” – Informationen zur Auseinandersetzung mit gruppenbezogener Menschenfeindlichkeit und Rechtsextremismus an Schulen (2017)


Auch das noch?! Informationen zum Umgang mit Rechtsextremismus, Rechtspopulismus, Rassismus und Ideologien der Ungleichwertigkeit an Schulen (2018), Hg.: Kulturbüro Sachsen e.V. und Courage – Werkstatt für demokratische Bildungsarbeit e.V.




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